About the Boom!

Scott Morrison:
Founder and Bringer of the Boom!
Having worked with, in or on the Board at the brands above, I’ve immersed myself in some of the world's most creative, challenging and demanding cultures.
With a unique combination of Agency, Client and startup experience I know what it takes to create fast, impactful change in each.
I’ve led turnarounds, rapid growth teams and global excellence hubs - all with the aim to Unblock, Unlock and Unleash the power within brilliant people. Now, I have distilled those leadership, creative and commercial techniques into the Boom!
My passion is to bring the Boom! to those who clamour for change, dream big and want to make real impact.
Sound like you? Click below and let’s get started.
Life’s too short not to live Boom!
The Boom! Operating System - Unblock, Unlock, Unleash
Despite working in some of the world's biggest brands, I always felt frustrated. I found that the same issues and challenges just came round on repeat time and time again. And, quite often, so did the solutions.
When I broke this down, I found that lots of businesses are great at coming up with loads of ideas. I'm sure you'll find the 'ideas people' in your team happy to work on solutions and you've probably got a lot of them stored in your phone or on that Moleskine you were given last Christmas.
So, to Unlock thinking and ideas is simple. And it's abundant. And easy.
The hard bits are often never tackled.
That's why we focus on the sandwich around the meat of your challenges.
We Unblock what sits underneath the real challenge. The thing that, if you don't tackle immediately, will derail your solutions before you start. The classic fixed mindset sabotage and the 'business as usual' mentality that spits ideas out with a 'we can't do that' or 'we've done that before and it didn't work' wave of the hand.
THEN, we Unlock new thinking, new inspiration, existing opportunities and impactful ways forward. Whether they're creative, commercial or cultural, we flex the power of your teams to bring the solutions you need (after all, they're often closest to the issues).
Finally we Unleash - ways forward without action are just that. We use canvases and tools to turn your thinking into reality. Define actions. Empower owners. Move at pace with impact.
That's why we're different and continue to work with the world's biggest brands.
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